Windows 10快速删除大量回收站文件以及由此引起的回收站右键清空反应慢问题的解决


前几天在Windows 10上收集一些数据,由于删除了几万个小文件,发现回收站清空的时候特别慢,就想用类似rd/s/q的方法快速清空,看到了这里的帖子:清空回收站因文件太多卡住怎么办? | 小赖子的英国生活和资讯



    for %d in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do @(
        @if exist %d:\$Recycle.Bin\NUL rd /s /q %d:\$Recycle.Bin




for %d in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do @(@if exist %d:\$Recycle.Bin\NUL rd /s /q %d:\$Recycle.Bin)





empty-recycle-bin 清空回收站因文件太多卡住怎么办? I.T. 小技巧

empty-recycle-bin hangs

回收站里的文件总共有 40多G 所以操作系统在寻找他们的过程中停止响应了. 最好的办法还是通过命令行 比如:

rd /s /q %systemdrive%\$Recycle.Bin

一般来说: %systemdrive% 系统盘指的是 C:\ 但是被回收的文件都是按盘符存在不同的盘符下的 $Recycle.Bin 隐藏文件夹下 所以我们可以在命令行下运行一个 For:

for %d in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do @(
    @if exist %d:\$Recycle.Bin\NUL rd /s /q %d:\$Recycle.Bin

参数 /s 指定了 rd 命令会删除子目录和文件, /q 则不会提示是否删除的信息. 命令行下 一会儿就把回收站给清空了. 所以说 还是命令行效率高一些 靠谱些.

How to Empty Recycle Bin when it hangs due to lots of files?

Once, the Google Drive moves lots of deleted files into Recycle bin and I was trying to empty the recycle bin using the intuitive way, right click Recycle and click the Empty. But it takes a long time before it shows the following and hangs forever.

empty-recycle-bin How to Empty Recycle Bin when it hangs due to lots of files? bash script tricks windows windows batch

empty-recycle-bin hangs

The files in the Recycle bin are about 40GB and it seems the Windows OS is trying to figure out the size. The desktop may freeze during its process to finding out what those files to delete but it is not necessary. The solution to empty recycle bin correctly is to launch the command shell and run the command:

rd /s /q %systemdrive%\$Recycle.Bin

Normally, the %systemdrive% refers to C:\ but the files are spread out to different drive letters, so you would need to do a loop:

for %d in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do @(
    @if exist %d:\$Recycle.Bin\NUL rd /s /q %d:\$Recycle.Bin

The /s of rd command removes subtrees of a folder and /q is the quiet model so it does not prompt for deletion. After a while, it silent returns to the DOS prompt and the recycle bin is emptied.




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