

17 Best Free Anonymous Email Account Providers 2021


Do you want to send emails with full anonymity?


If you use a standard email service like Gmail, you will not be anonymous. Sure, there are many email service providers that encrypt your messages — but that’s not the same thing as anonymity.

如果你使用像 Gmail 这样的标准电子邮件服务,你就不会是匿名的。当然,有很多电子邮件服务提供商为你的邮件加密,但这和匿名不是一回事。

In fact, Gmail still has access to your IP address, location, name, phone number, etc. They track your activity to show you ads, and your email account can be traced back to you.

事实上,Gmail 仍然可以访问你的 IP 地址、位置、姓名、电话号码等等。他们跟踪你的活动,向你展示广告,你的电子邮件帐户可以追踪到你。

It is possible to create an anonymous email account with Gmail — if you are smart about it. I will show you how to do so later in this article.

用 Gmail 创建一个匿名电子邮件账户是可能的,只要你够聪明。我将在本文后面向您展示如何做到这一点。

However, your best bet for sending and receiving anonymous emails is to sign up with a purely anonymous email account provider. These service providers don’t collect any personal information or track your data, so your account will never be traced back to you.


Today, I will be showing you the 17 best anonymous email account providers. All of them are free or offer a free plan.


Let’s get into it!


A Word About Staying Anonymous — Always Use a VPN

一句关于匿名的话ーー永远使用 VPN

I believe it is important to stress this — always use a VPN when using an anonymous email account. Alternatively, you can use the Tor browser (also known as the Onion browser), which scrambles your IP address.

我认为有必要强调这一点ーー在使用匿名电子邮件帐户时始终使用 VPN。或者,你也可以使用 Tor 浏览器(也称为洋葱浏览器) ,它会扰乱你的 IP 地址。

That way, nobody will be able to trace the email account back to you based on your IP address.

这样的话,就没有人能够根据你的 IP 地址追踪到你的电子邮件帐户了。

The 17 Best Free Anonymous Email Account Providers


1. ProtonMail

ProtonMail is my top recommendation for those looking for an anonymous email account they can use over and over again. Here is what makes ProtonMail so great:

ProtonMail 是我推荐给那些寻找一个可以反复使用的匿名电子邮件帐户的人的首选。以下是 ProtonMail 如此伟大的原因:

  • It does not require any personal information when signing up.
  • 注册时不需要任何个人信息。
  • Any user data it does have is protected by Swiss privacy laws, as ProtonMail is based in Switzerland, which is known for its strict privacy laws.
  • 它所拥有的任何用户数据都受到瑞士隐私法的保护,因为 ProtonMail 总部设在以严格的隐私法著称的瑞士。
  • It does not log your IP address. Theoretically, you don’t even need a VPN, though you should probably still use one for extra security.
  • 它不会记录你的 IP 地址。从理论上讲,你甚至不需要 VPN,尽管你可能仍然应该使用一个 VPN 来提供额外的安全性。
  • There is end-to-end encryption, which means that even ProtonMail can not access your messages.
  • 还有端对端加密邮箱,这意味着即使是 ProtonMail 也不能访问你的邮件。
  • It is open source, which means it is entirely free to use, and you can review the source code yourself.
  • 它是开源的,这意味着它是完全免费的,你可以自己查看源代码。
  • There is a mobile app, so you can use it on your phone.
  • 有一个移动应用,所以你可以在你的手机上使用它。

Proton has a calendar and cloud drive storage, which are also safe and secure.


2. Guerilla Mail 游击队邮件

Guerilla Mail is the second-best email service provider for sending private, anonymous emails. You get a special email address that only you know — you will need to remember that email address to access your mail.


There is no signup process, so anyone who knows the email address will be able to read the messages that get sent to it. There is no password, name, or personal information required to access the mail sent to that address — it is entirely anonymous.


Since the email address is only a string of letters with a random domain name, as you can see in the screenshot, it will be pretty hard for people to guess that email address.


I’m sure you’re wondering, “Well, people will know my email address if I use it to sign up on a website or to email someone! Once they know my address, will they be able to access my mail?”


The answer is no — nobody will know your email address. That’s because you will be given a second email address, which is basically a scrambled version of the first address.


The second address is also a string of letters, numbers, and symbols. Even if someone has that second, scrambled email address because you gave it out or emailed them, it would be virtually impossible to guess the first email address (the one you use to view your inbox).


Save your first email address in a safe place. I would suggest writing it down on a piece of paper and storing it somewhere secure.


You can also memorize it, but it might be hard to memorize a string of random letters.


If you store your unscrambled email address on your computer, there is the possibility that someone will be able to hack your computer and see it. If you write it on a physical piece of paper, you will be truly anonymous, and the email account won’t be able to be traced back to you (provided you are using Tor or a VPN).

如果你把你的电子邮件地址保存在你的电脑上,有可能有人会黑进你的电脑,看到它。如果你把它写在一张纸上,你就是真正的匿名者,而且电子邮件帐户不会被追踪到你(只要你使用 Tor 或者 VPN)。

In addition, all messages sent to your inbox will only stay there for one hour. It doesn’t matter whether you see them or not — they will disappear after an hour.


That is a big downside — you will have to keep checking your inbox every hour. On the other hand, it also protects you in case anyone manages to figure out your address.

这是一个很大的缺点---- 你将不得不每小时检查你的收件箱。另一方面,如果有人发现了你的地址,它也能保护你。

You can change your first email address at any time — you can set your own string of letters. Also, you can send a Forget Me request to the server to delete your email address; otherwise, it will last forever.

你可以在任何时候更改你的第一个电子邮件地址ーー你可以设置你自己的字母串。此外,您还可以向服务器发送一个勿忘我请求以删除您的电子邮件地址; 否则,它将永远持续下去。

3. AnonAddy 匿名

AnonAddy is a free and entirely open source anonymous email account provider. You can create an unlimited number of anonymous email aliases for free.


You might want several aliases for different purposes, such as when talking with different people, to make it harder for people to connect the dots and trace your activity back to you. It also helps confuse spammers.


Here’s how it works: First, you create your username and register it on the AnonAddy server.

它是这样工作的: 首先,你创建你的用户名并在 AnonAddy 服务器上注册它。

For example, if your username is JohnDoe, your domain will be 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 or 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。. Then, simply create any number of aliases and add them to the beginning of your domain to create a new email address.

例如,如果你的用户名是 JohnDoe,你的域名就是 JohnDoe。或 JohnDoe。匿名我。然后,只需创建任意数量的别名,并将它们添加到您的域名的开头,以创建一个新的电子邮件地址。

For example, you can create 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 and 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

例如,你可以创建 Alias1@JohnDoe. anonaddy. com 和 Alias2@JohnDoe. anonaddy. com。

You don’t have to do anything in the dashboard. Just enter a random alias when filling out a subscription form, for example, and when you get an email sent to that address, it will automatically be registered in your dashboard.


You can delete an alias at any time.


4. Lavabit

Lavabit is a secure email service provider. In fact, when the US government ordered it to hand over its TLS encryption keys, it shut down its entire network instead of complying.

Lavabit 是一个安全的电子邮件服务提供商。事实上,当美国政府命令它交出 TLS 加密密钥时,它并没有遵守规定,而是关闭了整个网络。

That’s because Lavabit is truly committed to its mission of providing the world with access to secure email communication. After shutting down, it got right to work on DIME — Dark Internet Mail Environment, and it is now back up and running.

这是因为 Lavabit 真正致力于为世界提供安全的电子邮件通信的使命。在关闭之后,它可以正常工作在 DIME ー Dark Internet Mail Environment 上,现在已经恢复运行。

Since Lavabit uses end-to-end encryption, your messages are entirely safe.

因为 Lavabit 使用了端对端加密,所以你的信息是完全安全的。

There are three levels of encryption to choose from when using Lavabit:

在使用 Lavabit 时,有三种加密方式可供选择:

  • Trustful mode — you trust the server with your data
  • 信任模式——您将数据托付给服务器
  • Cautious mode — the server only stores encrypted data
  • 谨慎模式ー服务器只存储加密数据
  • Paranoid mode — the server never has access to your keys, even your encrypted keys
  • 偏执模式——服务器永远无法访问您的密钥,甚至您的加密密钥

Volcano is Lavabit’s free and open source client.

火山是 Lavabit 的免费和开源客户端。

5. TrashMail 垃圾邮件

Want a disposable, anonymous email address that forwards messages to your regular email address? You can use TrashMail to set up a fake email address that will last for a specified amount of time.


Give out this email address to stay anonymous. There is no dashboard — all mail is routed to your real email address.


You don’t even need to create an account, though you can if you want to manage your email addresses.


To get started, create your custom email address on one of the domain options available. Enter the email address you want mail to be forwarded to and choose how long the disposable email address should last before being deleted.


You can also add the TrashMail Chrome extension to your browser and use it from there.


6. Temp Mail 临时邮件

Temp Mail is another anonymous email account provider, designed for those looking for a temporary email address. I found it incredibly easy to use — it does not require you to sign up for an account.


As soon as you land on the site, you will see your temporary email address, which is a random string of letters and numbers on a random domain.


Your inbox is available as soon as you land on the page. You can clear the inbox, delete your temporary email address, or edit your temporary email address to create a new one.


Unlike Guerilla Mail, it does not seem like you can compose and send an email from this temporary address. Instead, it is best used to sign up anonymously for forums or sites that require email registration.


7. 10 Minute Mail 10分钟邮件

There are a number of 10 Minute Mail sites. I’m not sure if they are all owned by the same group or not.


I’m going to go with 10MinuteMail.net, as that is the one I actually tested, and I verified that it works. I emailed the random address it gave me from my real email address — sure enough, the message arrived, and I was able to open it.

我打算用10minutemail.net ,因为这是我实际测试过的,并且我已经验证了它是有效的。我从我真实的电子邮件地址中随机发送了它给我的地址ーー果然,邮件到了,我打开了它。

The downside is that there are a lot of ads, and you may need to refresh the page to view new mail. However, it is free.


I can’t promise that other 10 Minute Mail sites work as they are supposed to.


So, what’s the idea behind 10 Minute Mail? It’s simple, really: You get a temporary, anonymous email address that lasts for 10 minutes only.

那么,10分钟邮件背后的想法是什么呢?这很简单,真的: 你得到一个临时的匿名邮件地址,只持续10分钟。

You can use this email address to sign up for a site or forum that requires email registration or to get a free ebook without entering your real address. The email address consists of a random string of letters and numbers.


You can also give this email to someone to receive some information via email that you don’t want traced back to you.


After 10 minutes, your inbox and email address will expire.


8. Mailfence

MailFence is based in Belgium, so it is protected by Belgian privacy laws, which are better than US privacy laws. As such, it can offer better privacy and anonymity than an American competitor.

MailFence 的总部设在比利时,因此它受到比利时隐私法的保护,这比美国的隐私法还要好。因此,它可以提供比美国竞争对手更好的隐私和匿名性。

For example, only a local judge can request personal information from it — it can’t be a judge from another country. Also, court orders for such things are very hard to obtain.


Even if such a court order was obtained, all emails are end to end encrypted, so even Mailfence can not read your emails.

即使获得了这样的法院命令,所有的电子邮件都是端对端加密的,所以即使是 Mailfence 也不能读取你的电子邮件。

Mailfence has worked hard to make sure it is using only top-notch security. A free plan is available, and 15 percent of the premium plans are donated to support privacy rights in Europe.

Mailfence 努力工作,以确保它只使用一流的安全性。一个免费的计划是可用的,并且15% 的保费计划是捐赠给支持欧洲的隐私权。

9. Tutanota 女名女子名

Tutanota lets you sign up for an account with your phone number and without any personal information, thus allowing you to create a truly anonymous email account. Not only that, but all emails have built-in encryption, so nobody can access the content of your emails.


With the Tutanota mobile apps, you can send and manage your emails on your phone.

使用 Tutanota 手机应用程序,你可以在手机上发送和管理电子邮件。

A free account is available, but it is somewhat limited. For example, you only get 1 GB of storage space.

一个免费帐户是可用的,但是有一些限制。例如,你只有1gb 的存储空间。

10. Anonymous Email 匿名电子邮件

Anonymous Email is a cool little site that lets you send and receive emails anonymously. No registration is required — just visit the website and start using the service immediately.


To send an anonymous email, simply visit the site and edit the sender’s address in the first field. You can add any string of letters in front of 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

要发送匿名电子邮件,只需访问网站并在第一个字段中编辑发件人地址。你可以在 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 前面添加任何字母串。

However, if you are using it for free, you can not receive replies anonymously. If you want to be able to get replies forwarded to your real email address without disclosing it, you have to sign up for the premium plan.


So, if you are using it for free, leave the reply address blank, so nobody sees your real address. The recipient will see the email, but they won’t be able to respond.


11. 5Ymail

5Ymail is an excellent way to send emails anonymously. Simply go to the homepage, enter the recipient’s information, and compose your email!

5Ymail 是匿名发送邮件的绝佳方式。只需进入主页,输入收件人的信息,然后撰写您的电子邮件!

You can also enter your own email address, so you can get replies and create an account. Everything will still be 100 percent anonymous, but you will now be able to log in and manage your account, as well as receive notifications when you get new emails.

你也可以输入你自己的电子邮件地址,这样你就可以得到回复并创建一个帐户。一切仍然是100% 的匿名,但你现在可以登录和管理你的帐户,以及接收通知时,你收到新的电子邮件。

12. AnonEmail 匿名电子邮件

AnonEmail is one of the quickest ways to send an email anonymously. You can’t receive emails, however, — it’s a one-way thing.


Just visit the website, enter the recipient’s email address, create a subject line, write your email, fill out the captcha, and send your email!


13. myTrashMail.com 网址: mytrashmail

myTrashMail is a great service for those who want a temporary email address to receive emails anonymously. Whether you want to sign up for a website anonymously or receive some important information without it being traced back to you, you can do it with myTrashMail.

是一个很好的服务,对于那些想要一个临时的电子邮件地址来接收匿名的电子邮件。无论你是想匿名注册一个网站,还是想收到一些重要信息而不被追踪到你,你都可以使用 myTrashMail。

No account registration is required. When it says to enter your email, it means to enter the custom email address you want to create temporarily.


You can create a new email address using a random string of letters or a fake name — it doesn’t matter.


14. Craigslist 克雷格列表

I’m sure you’re wondering, “Craigslist? How is that an anonymous email provider?”

我肯定你在想,“ Craigslist? 那怎么会是一个匿名电子邮件提供商?”

Well, it’s not… but you can still use it to set up an anonymous email address. You see, when you create a listing on Craigslist, your real email address will be hidden on the listing, replaced with a random string of letters.

嗯,它不是... ... 但是你仍然可以用它设置一个匿名电子邮件地址。你看,当你在 Craigslist 上创建一个列表时,你真正的电子邮件地址将隐藏在列表中,并被随机的字母串替换。

Emails sent to that randomly generated address will be forwarded to your email account. That way, buyers can not see the personal information of sellers — it helps protect sellers from scammers.


So, to get an anonymous email account via Craigslist, all you have to do is create a list. It could be a simple posting pretending to sell an oven, for example.

所以,要想通过 Craigslist 获得一个匿名电子邮件帐户,你所要做的就是创建一个列表。例如,这可能是一个简单的假装卖烤箱的帖子。

Then, find that posting and click on the Reply button. Then, click on “Show Email.”


You will see a randomly generated email address. You can then give that email address to someone, so they can email you without them knowing your real email address.


This is a cool little hack that will usually work. There are more straightforward methods available, but it is still a valid option.


15. TempInbox

TempInbox is a free and easy way to get a totally anonymous, private email address. You create your own email address — it can be any string of letters followed by @tempinbox.com.

TempInbox 是一个获得完全匿名的私人邮箱地址的免费而简单的方法。你可以创建自己的电子邮件地址ーー可以是任何一串字母,后面跟着@tempinbox. com。

16. Tempr.email 电子邮件

Tempr.email, like TempInbox, provides you with a customized temporary email address that is entirely anonymous. You can create a custom address followed by @tempr.email, @discard.email, discardmail.com, and a variety of other domains — you get to choose!

Email 和 TempInbox 一样,为您提供一个完全匿名的自定义临时电子邮件地址。您可以创建一个后跟@tempr 的自定义地址。电子邮件,@丢弃。电子邮件,discardmail. com,和其他各种各样的域名ーー你可以选择!

17. Gmail 谷歌邮箱

Finally, I’m going to show you how you can create an anonymous email address with Gmail and most other popular email providers (though it does depend on the provider and how much information they request from you).

最后,我将向您展示如何使用 Gmail 和大多数其他流行的电子邮件提供商创建一个匿名电子邮件地址(尽管这取决于提供商和他们向您索取多少信息)。

Here are the steps you need to take to create an anonymous account on Gmail:

以下是在 Gmail 上创建匿名账户的步骤:

  1. Make sure you always use a VPN or the Tor browser! That way, your IP address will not be exposed, and Gmail won’t be able to know where you are from.
  2. 确保你总是使用 VPN 或 Tor 浏览器!这样,你的 IP 地址就不会暴露,Gmail 也不会知道你从哪里来。
  3. Write a fake name. Use a name that sounds realistic, not something like John Doe.
  4. 写一个假名字,用一个听起来真实的名字,而不是像约翰 · 多伊那样的名字。
  5. When choosing your email address, don’t include any personal information. In addition, don’t use anything that you have used as a username somewhere else.
  6. 在选择你的电子邮件地址时,不要包含任何个人信息。此外,不要使用任何你在其他地方用作用户名的东西。
  7. If Gmail asks you for a phone number, don’t give them your real phone number! Instead, get a phone number using the Text+ app. The reason I like Text+ is that you don’t need to add an email address to sign up for a number. That way, you become even less traceable. You do need a username for Text+, so choose one you have never used before, and never use it again.
  8. 如果 Gmail 问你电话号码,不要给他们你的真实电话号码!相反,使用 Text + 应用程序获取一个电话号码。我喜欢 Text + 的原因是,你不需要添加一个电子邮件地址来注册一个号码。这样你就更难被追踪了。你确实需要一个 Text + 的用户名,所以选择一个你以前从未使用过的,并且永远不要再使用它。
  9. If Gmail asks you for your birthdate (which it will, at some point), give them a fake birthday.
  10. 如果 Gmail 询问你的生日(某种程度上,它会) ,那就给他们一个假的生日。
  11. Be careful! Don’t add your real email as a recovery email in Google.
  12. 小心! 不要把你的真实邮件作为恢复邮件添加到谷歌。
  13. When accessing Gmail in the future, whether on your desktop or from your phone, always use a VPN! Otherwise, your IP address will be disclosed later.
  14. 将来访问 Gmail 时,无论是在桌面上还是在手机上,都要使用 VPN!否则,您的 IP 地址将在稍后被披露。

This method would theoretically work with any email account provider.


A Note About Anonymous Email Account Providers


Some email account providers have promised to keep user information secret, but they did not keep their side of the deal. For example, Hushmail is a popular “secret” account provider.

一些电子邮件帐户提供商已经承诺对用户信息保密,但是他们并没有遵守他们的承诺。例如,Hushmail 是一个流行的“秘密”帐户提供程序。

However, when the Canadian government served them a court order with regard to steroid smugglers, Hushmail was quick to hand over CDs full of personal data and private information. Hushmail showed they can’t be trusted.


Instead, you want a service provider like Lavabit, which actually shut down instead of complying with government requests for user data. Consider researching an email account provider to see whether they have complied with court orders and handed over data before using them.

相反,你需要一个像 Lavabit 这样的服务提供商,它实际上是关闭的,而不是遵从政府对用户数据的要求。考虑研究一下电子邮件帐户提供商,看看他们是否遵守了法院的命令,在使用之前交出了数据。

Another interesting choice is SAFe-mail, or Safe-Mail.net. According to a Forbes article from a number of years ago, Safe-Mail.net became the preferred choice for users of the dark web after TorMail was seized by the FBI.

另一个有趣的选择是 SAFe-mail,或者 SAFe-mail. net。根据几年前《福布斯》杂志的一篇文章,在 TorMail 被 FBI 查封后,安全邮箱网络成为黑暗网络用户的首选。

If the dark web users who used to use TorMail are switching to Safe-Mail.net, you would assume it is safe and private. However, there are reports that it isn’t that safe and will disclose information if it has a legal requirement to do so.

如果过去使用 TorMail 的黑暗网络用户转向了 safe-mail. net,你就会认为它是安全和私密的。然而,有报道称,它并不那么安全,如果有法律要求,它会公开信息。

Wrapping It Up: What Is The Best Anonymous Email Account Provider?


ProtonMail is my #1 recommendation, as it not only allows you to create an anonymous email address, but you can keep it forever. You can also use their mobile apps to send and view emails.

ProtonMail 是我的第一推荐,因为它不仅允许你创建一个匿名电子邮件地址,而且你可以永远保留它。你也可以使用他们的移动应用程序发送和查看电子邮件。

A solid runner-up is Guerilla Mail. However, although any email address you create lasts forever until you manually tell the server to forget it, you can’t protect your inbox with a password.


Still, nobody can access it unless they know your real address, which is almost impossible to figure out.











电邮:该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。
