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mysql全局层级授权方法_mysql 的权限体系介绍

mysql 的权限体系大致分为5个层级:


全局权限适用于一个给定服务器中的所有数据库。这些权限存储在mysql.user表中。GRANT ALL ON *.*和REVOKE ALL ON *.*只授予和撤销全局权限。


数据库权限适用于一个给定数据库中的所有目标。这些权限存储在mysql.db和mysql.host表中。GRANT ALL ON db_name.*和REVOKE ALL ON db_name.*只授予和撤销数据库权限。


表权限适用于一个给定表中的所有列。这些权限存储在mysql.talbes_priv表中。GRANT ALL ON db_name.tbl_name和REVOKE ALL ON db_name.tbl_name只授予和撤销表权限。




CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, EXECUTE和GRANT权限适用于已存储的子程序。这些权限可以被授予为全局层级和数据库层级。而且,除了CREATE ROUTINE外,这些权限可以被授予为子程序层级,并存储在mysql.procs_priv表中。










我们可以用 CREATE USER 或 GRANT 创建用户,后者还同时分配相关权限。而 REVOKE 则用于删除用户权限,DROP USER 删除账户。

MySQL 赋予用户权限命令语法为:

grant 权限 on 数据库对象 to 用户;

grant 权限 on 数据库对象 to 用户 identified by “密码”;

grant 权限 on 数据库对象 to 用户@”ip” identified by “密码”


GRANT privileges (columns)

ON what

TO user IDENTIFIED BY “password”


privileges 列表:

* ALTER: 修改表和索引。

* CREATE: 创建数据库和表。

* DELETE: 删除表中已有的记录。

* DROP: 抛弃(删除)数据库和表。

* INDEX: 创建或抛弃索引。

* INSERT: 向表中插入新行。


* SELECT: 检索表中的记录。

* UPDATE: 修改现存表记录。

* FILE: 读或写服务器上的文件。

* PROCESS: 查看服务器中执行的线程信息或杀死线程。

* RELOAD: 重载授权表或清空日志、主机缓存或表缓存。

* SHUTDOWN: 关闭服务器。


* USAGE: 特殊的 “无权限” 权限。

user 账户包括 “username” 和 “host” 两部分 即是username@host ,后者表示该用户被允许从何地接入。user@’%’表示用户user可以从任何地址访问本地的数据库,默认可以省略。还可以是 “This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..7.%“、”user1@%.abc.com” 等。数据库格式为 db.table,可以是 “test.*” 或 “*.*”,前者表示 test 数据库的所有表,后者表示所有数据库的所有表。

子句 “WITH GRANT OPTION” 表示该用户可以为其他用户分配权限。使用grant 命令创建用户或者进行授权之后,需要使用flush privileges刷新MySQL的系统权限相关表,否则会出现拒绝访问,或者重新启动mysql服务器,来使新设置生效。当然后者并不是一种好想法!


一 grant普通数据用户yangql402查询、插入、更新、删除 数据库(test)中所有表数据的权利。

grant select, insert, update, delete on test.* to yangql402@’%’;

二 grant数据库开发人员(yangql402),创建表、索引、视图、存储过程、函数。。。等权限。

grant创建、修改、删除 MySQL 数据表结构权限。

grant create on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant alter  on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant drop   on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant 操作 MySQL 外键权限,官方文档上说未使用!

grant references on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant 操作 MySQL 临时表权限。

grant create temporary tables on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant 操作 MySQL 索引权限。

grant index on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant 操作 MySQL 视图、查看视图源代码 权限。

grant create view on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant show   view on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant 操作 MySQL 存储过程、函数 权限。

grant create routine on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant alter routine on test.* to yangql402@’′;

grant execute        on test.* to yangql402@’′;

三 grant 普通DBA管理某个MySQL数据库(test)的权限。

grant all privileges on test to dba@’localhost’

其中,关键字 “privileges” 可以省略。

四 grant 高级 DBA 管理 MySQL 中所有数据库的权限。

grant all on *.* to dba@’localhost’

五 MySQL grant 权限,分别可以作用在多个层次上。

a. grant 作用在整个 MySQL 服务器上:

grant select on *.* to dba@localhost; — dba 可以查询 MySQL 中所有数据库中的表。

grant all    on *.* to dba@localhost; — dba 可以管理 MySQL 中的所有数据库

b. grant 作用在单个数据库上:

grant select on test.* to dba@localhost; — dba 可以查询 test 中的表。

c. grant 作用在单个数据表上:

grant select, insert, update, delete on test.yql8 to dba@localhost;

d. grant 作用在表中的列上:

grant select(id, se, rank) on test.yql8 to dba@localhost;

e. grant 作用在存储过程、函数上:

grant execute on procedure test.yql8 to ‘dba’@’localhost’;

grant execute on function test.yql8 to ‘dba’@’localhost’;

六 查看用户权限


show grants;

查看其他 MySQL 用户权限:

show grants for dba@localhost;

七 撤销用户权限

使用revoke 命令来注销用户的权限,具体语法:





1 使用GRANT或REVOKE,操作者必须拥有GRANT OPTION权限,并且您必须用于您正在授予或撤销的权限。

2 使用REVOKE撤销全部权限,操作者必须拥有mysql数据库的全局CREATE USER权限或UPDATE权限。

八 删除用户:


其中user 账户包括 “username” 和 “host” 两部分 即是username@host;如果创建的时候为yangql@”“,则删除的时候必须使用

drop user yangql@”“,否则会报错!

mysql> drop user yangql402;

ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP USER failed for ‘yangql402′@’′

mysql> drop user yangql402@’′;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)




如何在 Windows 中安装 OwnCloud

Cloud file sharing involves a system where users are allocated storage space on a server and are allowed to perform read and write operations on the data they save in their space online.

A popular service is Dropbox and while it offers a free version, it is not open source. There are also many Dropbox alternatives for Linux, but this article focuses on the best free open source cloud file sharing platforms.

1. NextCloud

NextCloud is arguably the most popular open source cloud file sharing service. Apart from sharing files, it allows you to share calendars, contacts, emails and includes professional features like team collaboration and data synchronization and it packs text and video chat apps.

Nextcloud - self-hosted file share and communication platform

Nextcloud – self-hosted file share and communication platform

2. Ceph

Ceph is an open source distributed object, block, and file storage platform that uses a POSIX-compliant network file system in order to provide large data storage, high performance, and optimum support for legacy applications.

Ceph - unified, distributed storage system

Ceph – unified, distributed storage system

3. Aurora Files


Aurora Files is a developer friendly, encrypted file-sharing software. It has support for Google Drive and Dropbox as network logins, Zipped file viewer, and MS Office file viewer.

Aurora Files - file storage platform

Aurora Files – file storage platform

4. YouTransfer

YouTransfer is an open source file transfer cloud service with a few more features than FileDrop given that it has a Docker image for container users.

The file transfer process works via link sharing via email, message, or any other sharing method together with an optional message.

YouTransfer - file-sharing solution

YouTransfer – file-sharing solution

5. Pydio Cells

Pydio Cells is a Golang-based on-premise file management platform that aims to provide reliable file hosting, synchronization, and sharing. It has a strong emphasis on security and can be deployed on any server type of your choosing.

Fun fact, Pydio Cells went by the name of just “Pydio” and was written in PHP and JavaScript before until its entire rewrite in Golang.

Pydio - File Sharing & Sync Platform

Pydio – File Sharing & Sync Platform

6. LinShare

LinShare aims to provide an enterprise-grade cloud file sharing solution for free and it is succeeding. It enables users to share large files, manage activity logs and users, and enjoy healthcare-related features all while enjoying high security.

LinShare - secure file sharing platform

LinShare – secure file sharing platform

7. NitroShare

NitroShare is a cross-platform network file transfer app designed to extremely simplify sharing files while maintaining efficient speeds.

8. OnionShare

OnionShare is an open source platform that enables its users to share files of any size across the internet without jeopardizing their security or anonymity.

OnionShare - Secure and Anonymous Filesharing

OnionShare – Secure and Anonymous Filesharing

9. FileDrop

FileDrop is a lightweight web-based UI for sharing files. You can use it as a standalone server in trusted LANs but it is mostly used together with Sandstorm, an open source web-based productivity suite.

FileDrop - share files over wifi

FileDrop – share files over wifi

10. ProjectSend

ProjectSend is a private clients-oriented web service that provides a file-sharing platform for teams complete with features like uploads auto-expiration, usage logs, user permissions, etc.

ProjectSend - share files with your clients

ProjectSend – share files with your clients

There are notable mentions like Syncthing, Seafile, Cozy and Syncany but what is your favourite open source cloud file sharing application? Drop your comments in the section below.

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Since 1996, our company has been focusing on domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, website construction, e-commerce and other Internet services, and constantly practicing the concept of "providing enterprise-level solutions and providing personalized service support". As a Dell Authorized Solution Provider, we also provide hardware product solutions associated with the company's services.

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