Windowsserver 的升级和转换选项



Upgrade and conversion options for Windows Server

Windowsserver 的升级和转换选项


You can upgrade or convert installations of Windows Server to newer versions, different editions, or switch between licensing options, such as evaluation, retail, and volume licensed. This article helps explain what the options are to help with your planning.

您可以将 windowsserver 的安装升级或转换为更新的版本、不同的版本,或者在授权选项(如评估、零售和批量授权)之间进行切换。本文帮助您解释有哪些选项可以帮助您制定计划。

The process of upgrading or converting installations of Windows Server might vary greatly depending on which version and edition you have installed, how it is licensed, and the pathway you take. We use different terms to distinguish between actions, any of which could be involved in a deployment of Windows Server: clean install, in-place upgrade, cluster operating system (OS) rolling upgrade, migration, and license conversion. You can learn more about these terms at Install, upgrade, or migrate.

升级或转换 windowsserver 安装的过程可能会有很大的不同,这取决于您安装的版本和版本、授权方式以及选择的路径。我们使用不同的术语来区分操作,其中任何操作都可能涉及到 Windows Server 的部署: 清理安装、就地升级、集群操作系统(OS)滚动升级、迁移和许可证转换。您可以在 Install、 upgrade 或 migrate 上了解有关这些术语的更多信息。

Upgrading licensed versions of Windows Server 升级 windowsserver 的授权版本

Below are general guidelines for in-place upgrade paths where Windows Server is already licensed (that is, not evaluation):

下面是 Windows 服务器已经授权的就地升级路径的一般指导方针(即,不是评估) :

  • Upgrades from 32-bit to 64-bit architectures are not supported. All releases of Windows Server since Windows Server 2016 are 64-bit only.
  • 不支持从32位升级到64位的体系结构。自 Windows Server 2016以来的所有 Windows Server 版本都是64位的。
  • Upgrades from one language to another are not supported.
  • 不支持从一种语言升级到另一种语言。
  • If the server is an Active Directory domain controller, you cannot convert it to a retail version. See Upgrade Domain Controllers to Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 for important information.
  • 如果服务器是 Active Directory 网域控制器,你不能将它转换成零售版本。有关重要信息,请参阅将域控制器升级到 Windows Server 2012 r 2和 Windows Server 2012。
  • Upgrades from pre-release versions (previews) of Windows Server are not supported. Perform a clean installation of Windows Server.
  • 不支持从 windowsserver 的预发布版本(预览)升级。请执行 windowsserver 的干净安装。
  • Upgrades that switch from a Server Core installation to a Server with Desktop Experience installation (or vice versa) are not supported.
  • 不支持从服务器核心安装切换到具有桌面体验安装的服务器(反之亦然)的升级。
  • Upgrades from a previous Windows Server installation to an evaluation copy of Windows Server are not supported. Evaluation versions should be installed as a clean installation.
  • 不支持从以前的 windowsserver 安装升级到 windowsserver 计算副本。评估版本应该作为干净的安装进行安装。
  • You can only change from Standard edition to Datacenter edition when upgrading. Changing from Datacenter edition to Standard edition is not supported.
  • 升级时只能从标准版更改为数据中心版。不支持从数据中心版本更改为标准版本。



If your server uses NIC Teaming, disable NIC Teaming prior to upgrade, and then re-enable it after upgrade is complete. See NIC Teaming Overview for details.

如果您的服务器使用 NIC Teaming,请在升级前禁用 NIC Teaming,然后在升级完成后重新启用它。详情请参阅 NIC teamingoverview。

Converting an evaluation version to a retail version 将评估版本转换为零售版本

You can convert the evaluation version of Windows Server to the retail version. If you have installed the evaluation of Standard edition, you can convert it to the retail version of either the Standard edition or Datacenter edition. Similarly, if you have installed the evaluation of the Datacenter edition, you can only convert it to the retail version of the Datacenter edition.

可以将 windowsserver 的评估版本转换为零售版本。如果已经安装了计算标准版本,则可以将其转换为零售版本的标准版本或数据中心版本。类似地,如果已经安装了 Datacenter 版本的计算,则只能将其转换为 Datacenter 版本的零售版本。

If you haven't already activated Windows, the bottom right-hand corner of the desktop shows the time remaining in the evaluation period.

如果您还没有激活 Windows,则桌面右下角显示评估期剩余的时间。



For releases of Windows Server 2016 prior to 14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH, you can only convert from evaluation to retail when Windows Server has been installed with the Server with Desktop Experience installation option (not Server Core). Starting with version 14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH and later releases, you can convert evaluation editions to retail regardless of the installation option used.

适用于14393.0.161119-1705之前的 Windows Server 2016版本。RS1 _ refresh,您只能在安装了带有桌面体验服务器安装选项(不是服务器核心)的 Windows 服务器后,从计算转换为零售。从14393.0.161119-1705版本开始。1 _ refresh 及以后的版本,您可以将评估版转换为零售版,而不用考虑使用的安装选项。



Before you attempt to convert from evaluation to retail, verify that your server is actually running an evaluation version. To do this, launch an elevated command prompt and run the command slmgr.vbs /dlv; evaluation versions will include EVAL in the output.

在尝试从计算转换为零售之前,请验证服务器实际上正在运行计算版本。为此,启动一个升级的命令提示符并运行命令 slmgr.vbs/dlv; 评估版本将在输出中包含 EVAL。

Windows Server Standard or Datacenter Windows 服务器标准或数据中心

If the server is running an evaluation version of Windows Server Standard edition or Windows Server Datacenter edition, you can convert it to a retail version as follows:

如果服务器正在运行 Windows 服务器标准版或 Windows 服务器数据中心版的评估版本,您可以将其转换为零售版本,如下所示:

  1. From an elevated command prompt or PowerShell session, run the following command to save the Microsoft Software License Terms for Windows Server, which you can then review:

    在升级的命令提示符或 PowerShell 会话中,运行以下命令保存 Windows Server 的 Microsoft 软件许可条款,然后可以查看:

    DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /GetEula:C:\eula.rtf
  2. Determine the current edition name by running the command below. The output is an abbreviated form of the edition name, for example Windows Server Datacenter edition is ServerDatacenter:

    通过运行下面的命令确定当前版本名称。输出是版本名称的缩写形式,例如 Windows Server Datacenter 版本是 ServerDatacenter:

    DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition
  3. Verify which editions the current installation can be converted to by running the command below. The evaluation version of Windows Server Standard can be converted to the retail version of either the Standard or Datacenter editions of Windows Server, whereas the evaluation version of Windows Server Datacenter can only be converted to the retail version Windows Server Datacenter:

    通过运行下面的命令,验证当前安装可以转换为哪些版本。Windows Server 标准的评估版本可以转换为 Windows Server 的标准版或数据中心版的零售版,而 Windows Server 数据中心的评估版本只能转换为零售版的 Windows Server 数据中心:

    DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions
  4. Make note of the target edition name you want to convert to, and enter this and your retail product key in the command below. This process requires you to accept the Microsoft Software License Terms for Windows Server you saved previously.

    记下要转换的目标版本名称,并在下面的命令中输入该名称和零售产品键。此过程要求您接受以前保存的 windowsserver 的 Microsoft 软件许可条款。



    You can convert from the evaluation version of Windows Server Standard to the retail version of Windows Server Datacenter in one step by using the appropriate product key and edition ID.

    通过使用适当的产品密钥和版本 ID,可以一步将 windowsserver 标准的评估版本转换为 windowsserver 数据中心的零售版本。

    DISM /online /Set-Edition:<edition ID> /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /AcceptEula

    For example:


    DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey:ABCDE-12345-ABCDE-12345-ABCDE /AcceptEula



For more information about Dism.exe, see DISM Command-line options.

有关 DISM.exe 的详细信息,请参阅 DISM 命令行选项。



If the server is an Active Directory domain controller, you cannot convert it to a retail version. In this case, install an additional domain controller on a server that runs a retail version, migrate any FSMO roles held, and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) from the domain controller that runs on the evaluation version. For more information, see Upgrade Domain Controllers to Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012.

如果服务器是 Active Directory 网域控制器,你不能将它转换成零售版本。在这种情况下,在运行零售版本的服务器上安装额外的网域控制器服务,迁移所有 FSMO 角色,并从运行在评估版本上的网域控制器服务器中删除 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)。有关更多信息,请参见将域控制器升级到 Windows Server 2012 r 2和 Windows Server 2012。

Windows Server Essentials

If the server is running Windows Server Essentials, you can convert it to the full retail version by entering a retail, volume license, or OEM key by launching an elevated command prompt and entering it as part of the following command:

如果服务器正在运行 Windows Server Essentials,你可以通过输入一个 retail、 volume license 或 OEM key 将其转换为完整的零售版本,方法是启动一个提升的命令提示符,并输入以下命令:


Converting Windows Server Standard edition to Datacenter edition 将 windowsserver 标准版转换为数据中心版

At any time after installing Windows Server, you can convert Windows Server Standard edition to Datacenter edition. You can also run setup.exe from the installation media to upgrade or repair the installation (sometimes called in-place repair). If you run setup.exe to upgrade or repair in-place on any edition of Windows Server, the result will be the same edition you started with.

在安装 windowsserver 后的任何时候,您都可以将 windowsserver 标准版转换为数据中心版。您还可以从安装介质运行 setup.exe 来升级或修复安装(有时称为就地修复)。如果您运行 setup.exe 在任何版本的 windowsserver 上就地升级或修复,结果将与开始时的版本相同。

You can convert the Standard edition of Windows Server to the Datacenter edition as follows:

您可以将 windowsserver 的标准版本转换为数据中心版本,如下所示:

  1. Determine that Windows Server Standard is the current edition name by running the command below. The output is an abbreviated form of the edition name, for example Windows Server Standard edition is ServerStandard:

    通过运行下面的命令确定 windowsserver 标准是当前版本名称。输出是版本名称的缩写形式,例如 Windows Server Standard edition is ServerStandard:

    DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition
  2. Verify that Windows Server Datacenter is a valid option to convert to by running the following command:

    通过运行以下命令,验证 windowsserver 数据中心是否是可以转换为的有效选项:

    DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions
  3. Enter ServerDatacenter and your retail product key in the command below:

    在下面的命令中输入 ServerDatacenter 和您的零售产品键:

    DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /AcceptEula

Converting between retail, volume-licensed, and OEM licenses 在零售、批量许可和 OEM 许可之间进行转换

At any time after installing Windows Server, you can freely convert between a retail license, a volume-licensed license, or an OEM license. The edition (Standard or Datacenter) remains the same during this conversion. If you are starting with an evaluation version, convert it to the retail version first, then you can convert between the versions.

在安装 windowsserver 后的任何时候,您都可以自由地在零售许可证、批量许可证或 OEM 许可证之间进行转换。在此转换期间,版本(标准版或数据中心版)保持不变。如果您从评估版本开始,首先将其转换为零售版本,然后您可以在版本之间进行转换。

To do this, run the following command from an elevated command prompt, including providing your volume-license, retail, or OEM product key:

为此,在提升的命令提示符中运行以下命令,包括提供卷许可、零售或 OEM 产品密钥:



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