Cyber-D's Autodelete


Cyber-D's Autodelete is a simple-to-use yet powerful program which allows you to schedule automatic file deletions, based on a set of user-defined filters. It can be seamlessly figured out, even by first-time users.

Cyber-D 的自动删除是一个简单易用但功能强大的程序,它允许您安排自动文件删除,基于一组用户定义的过滤器。即使是第一次使用的用户也可以无缝地理解它。

The interface of the application is clean and eye-catching. So, you can get started by specifying a folder whose files you want to erase on a frequent basis, by using the folder view ('drag and drop' is not supported). Evidently, processing multiple items at the same time is permitted.


It is possible to create name filters based on files or folders, as well as date filters (e.g. delete files older than 1 year, 2 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes), whether you are referring to the date of creation, last modification or last access.

可以基于文件或文件夹创建名称过滤器,以及日期过滤器(例如删除超过1年、2天、3小时和4分钟的文件) ,无论您指的是创建日期、最后修改还是最后访问。

Furthermore, you can make Cyber-D's Autodelete send the files to the Recycle Bin, prepare them for secure deletion, or move them to a different location, once the deletion procedure is triggered. Regarding the file removal method, you can either create an inclusion or exclusion list, depending on the quantity of items you want to delete or protect. Plus, you may include subfolders in the task, enable logging and debugging modes, as well as set the app to automatically run at system startup.

此外,您可以让 Cyber-D 的自动删除将文件发送到回收站,准备安全删除,或将它们移动到不同的位置,一旦删除过程被触发。关于文件删除方法,可以根据要删除或保护的项的数量创建包含列表或排除列表。另外,您可以在任务中包含子文件夹,启用日志和调试模式,以及设置应用程序在系统启动时自动运行。

The program needs a low-to-moderate amount of CPU and system memory, is pretty responsive to keyboard and mouse events, finishes a task in no time, and contains user documentation. We have not gone through any trouble during our evaluation, since Cyber-D's Autodelete did not freeze, crash or pop up error notifications. Thanks to its intuitive layout and overall simplicity, less experienced users should be able to quickly figure out the app's features.

这个程序需要低到中等数量的 CPU 和系统内存,对键盘和鼠标事件的响应相当灵敏,能够在短时间内完成任务,并且包含用户文档。我们在评估期间没有遇到任何麻烦,因为 Cyber-D 的自动删除没有冻结、崩溃或弹出错误通知。由于其直观的布局和整体的简单性,经验较少的用户应该能够迅速找出应用程序的功能。










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