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"The VSS service is shutting down due to idle timeout" - event 8224 on Windows 10.

"The VSS service is shutting down due to idle timeout" - event 8224 on Windows 10.

Original Title: System volume information keeps increasing


This folder keeps increasing and gobbling up my C drive. I have System Restore set on the C drive alone with a maximum of 12 Gb, but it ignores this and sets itself to 100%. I have many files {e8eec.........} in this folder and a new one appears often (15+ in the last 90 min). Each time a new file appears, it coincides with "The VSS service is shutting down due to idle timeout" - event 8224 in Event Viewer. Any ideas how to stop it?.


Question Info

Last updated April 22, 2019 Views 36,081 Applies to:


Hi Tom,


Thanks for replying and sorry for delayed response.


SFC scan and DISM scan will detect if any of the system files are missing or corrupted and will replace the same to enhance and resolve the system issues on the PC.


Run SFC scan and DISM scan on the PC by following the steps below and check if the issue is resolved.


SFC scan is a utility in Windows that allows users to scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files. If a Windows Resource Protection (WRP) file is missing or is corrupted, Windows may not behave as expected. For example, some Windows functions may not work, or Windows may crash.


Windows corruption errors may prevent Windows updates and service packs from installing. For example, an update might not install if a system file is damaged. The DISM scan or System Update Readiness tool may help you to fix some Windows corruption errors. 


Step 1: Open an Administrator command prompt window by


  1. Press Windows logo + X keys on the keyboard and select Command Prompt (Admin) option.
  2. Click on Yes and continue. Provide administrator password if prompted.
  3. Check if it says Administrator: Command Prompt at the top of the command prompt window.


Step 2: Type the following commands in the CMD Prompt:


            Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

            Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

            sfc /scannow


Step 3: Close the command window and check if the issue is resolved.


Write to us with the status of the issue on the same post for further assistance. Your reply is most important for us to ensure we assist you accordingly.


Thank you.


FastStone Capture

《FSCapture》是一款抓屏工具,体积小巧、功能强大,不但具有常规截图等功能,更有从扫描器获取图像,和将图像转换为 PDF文档等功能。
FastStone Capture支持不同的截图方式,可设定不同的快捷键进行操作。
FastStone Capture
特    点
属    于
功    能


目前最新版本号为 9.0,主要功能包括:
Faststone Capture界面截图 Faststone Capture界面截图 [1]
3、屏幕录像器(输出格式为 WMV);
4、将图像转换为 PDF 文件;
5、发送到 PowerPoint,Word,FTP;
尤其值得称赞的是,其截图后,其自带的(图像查看/器),功能强大,可以满足截图后,对图像的各种标注、裁切调节等需求,其功能不亚于 Windows 的画图板。
而且 7.0 版本开始,加入了屏幕录像功能,质量堪比专业屏幕录像软件。是 Windows 中必备的扩展助手。


FastStone Capture Version 9.0(June 15, 2018) 增加自动延时捕捉功能


图像浏览 /
FS Capture还包括快速(浏览/图像)的功能,可以点击主窗口的“打开”图标快速打开一幅图片,进行简单的缩放、裁切、旋转、加文字等轻量级的操作。把网页中图片拖到 FS Capture 的窗口上,会快速打开图像浏览窗口。
7.0 版本开始具备的功能,只需点击“视频录制”按钮,即可选择一个录制范围,可以选择“Window/Object”(窗口或对象)、“Rectangular Area”(矩形区域)、“Full Screen Without Taskbar”(任务栏的全屏)、“Full Screen”(全屏)等范围。选择范围后,即可点击 Record 按钮,非全屏范围,还需要选择好一个区域,然后在弹出的窗口点,击“Start”按钮,即可开始录制了,最后可以按F11键停止。
录制的过程如“视频录制”视频所示。录制的视频格式是 Wmv,录制完成后,会打开媒体播放器,进行播放。7.3 版本开始,支持同时录制麦克风和扬声器的音频。


现在网上各式各样的取色器应该不少了,包括之前一直用的蓝色经典推荐的 ColorSPY, Firefox 下还有一个,专门的取色器扩展 ColorZilla,这些都是很好的软件。但自从使用了 FS Capture 之后,这些我都很少用到了。原因很简单,各种取色软件的功能,都大同小异,FS Capture 非常小巧,既然有这样一个小软件,能够包含取色器、屏幕放大镜和截屏的功能,为什么还要为这些功能,而分开多个软件呢?FastStone Capture 的取色支持 RGB、Dec 和 Hex 三种格式的色值,而且还有一个混色器,取到颜色之后,可以再。
这确实是一个不错的功能,特别是现在,我们已经习惯用 DIV 来对页面定位,DIV之间的对齐不像表格那样容易控制,有时为了调整几个像素的偏差,不得不对着屏幕盯很久。有这样一个放大镜,就方便多了。使用时,只需点击一下,FS Capture 窗口上的放大镜图标,鼠标变成一个放大镜的样子,然后在需要放大的地方,按下右键就可以了,就像手里真的拿着一个放大镜一样。可以设置放大倍率,放大镜的尺寸,外观(圆形,矩形以及圆角矩形)以及是否平滑显示,按 ESC 键或单击右键可退出放大镜。
FastStone Capture 还有屏幕标尺功能, 点击后会屏幕上会出现一个尺子,方便测试屏幕某区域的像素大小。


根据当前要操作的对象的形状,我们可以采取六种捕捉方式中的一种来实现。比如“Capture Active Window”按钮捕捉当前正操作的窗口;“Capture Window/Object”按钮则是捕捉窗口上的某个元素,它分得很细,像工具栏、命令菜单、状态栏、工作区等,便于局部抓屏;“Capture Rectangular Region”按钮则是根据用户的实时划出的抓屏范围从而确定所要的对象,形式如图2所示;“Capture Freehand Region”按钮则是为了满足不规则图像的抓取,让用户通过它绘制一个封闭的曲线从而实现捕捉。
在使用的过程中,大家不用担心线细无法观察到起点到终点,只要开始捕捉,便同样显示如图3所示的放大效果,而当闭合图形快完成时,也无需精确到起点,只要通过图3看到起点和终点已经快接近了,软件便将大家所要的图像抓到手了。“Capture Full Screen”按钮是捕捉满屏;“Capture Scrolling Window”按钮则是对于不能在全屏下显示完的对象,比如网页,则首先确定网页开头,点击下左键,便自动进入抓屏状态,此时会自动滚屏不需要人工干预,直到整个网页底部,完成抓屏操作,于是整个网页都被抓下来。用户再也没有因为页面老长,截图困难的境遇了。
捕捉以后要进行的操作,在软件中主要有四类,分别是“To Editor(器)”、“To Clipboard(到剪贴板)”、“To File(到文件)”、“To Printer(到打印机)”(如图4)。如果截取到的图像不需要而只是要保存到文件的话,就可以点击“另存为”按钮,它便打开了“保存文件”的对话框,输入名称点击“确定”便可完成。而其他的操作也同样类似。
截图工具通常都内置图像功能,方便用户截取屏幕图像后进行后期处理。FastStone Capture的图像功能也不错。
根据自己的习惯和要捕捉的对象的形状,选择上述的六种功能按钮后,便完成了抓屏的工作,默认情况下进入了状态,即打开了如图5所示的FastStone Editor窗口,这是一个图片器,通过它,我们可以对图像画面剪切,通过鼠标滚珠缩放图像的显示比例,调整图像亮度/对比度、色阶、模糊/锐化,为图像去色或添加老照片效果。使用FastStone Editor的剪切工具时,选中要留取的部分双击鼠标就能得到所要的图像画面,比SnagIt选中剪切区域后还需菜单确认才能完成剪切工作方便多了。
在FastStone Editor界面的菜单按钮上有个“Edge”按钮,它可以为截取的图像添加边框效果。用户可以在设置面板上自定义边框的范围、阴影以及是否添加水印等(如图7)。
另外,图像的另存格式也非常丰富,除了常规的图片格式如BMP、JPEG、GIF、TIFF、PNG等外,又加入了新的格式如JPEG2000(*.JP2)、JPEG2000 Code Stream(*.J2K),使得与其他软件有更好的兼容性。点击“FastStone Editor”窗口中的“Email”可以将图像作为邮件调用客户端收发程序(如Outlook Express、Foxmail等)来发送给另一方,非常地便捷。
FastStone Editor打印设置界面别具一格,虽然是英文菜单,但上手并不难。点击工具栏上的“Print”图标,通过选择“Position”下的图标可以设定图像在打印纸上的方位,在“Margins”中设置上、下、左、右页边距,“Size”下拉菜单中的选项可定义打印的图像大小等等。
小提示:在实际使用FastStone Capture时发现,它的抓图速度非常快。利用主窗口的“Settings”按钮,我们可以打开软件“设置”对话框,在此我们可以对软件的七个部分进行定义。点击“Hotkeys”选项,在对应的选框中自定义快捷键即可

可以导致Got timeout reading communication packets错误的原因


可能导致Got Timeout reading communication packets错误的原因有如下几个:

    A client attempts to access a database but has no privileges for it.(没有权限)

    A client uses an incorrect password.(密码错误)

    A connection packet does not contain the right information.(连接没有包含正确信息)

    It takes more than connect_timeout seconds to obtain a connect packet. (获取连接信息起过connect_timeout的时长)

    The client program did not call mysql_close() before exiting.(客户端没有调用mysql_close()函数)

    The client had been sleeping more than wait_timeout or interactive_timeout seconds without issuing any requests to the server. (客户端的空连接时间过长,超过了wait_timeout和interactive_timeout的时间)

    The client program ended abruptly in the middle of a data transfer.(数据传输过程中终结)

InnoDB: page_cleaner: 1000ms intended loop took



 [Note] InnoDB: page_cleaner: 1000ms intended loop took 5258ms. The settings might not be optimal. (flushed=200 and evicted=0, during the time.)


    if (curr_time > next_loop_time + 3000) {
                    if (warn_count == 0) {
                        ib::info() << "page_cleaner: 1000ms"
                            " intended loop took "
                            << 1000 + curr_time
                               - next_loop_time
                            << "ms. The settings might not"
                            " be optimal. (flushed="
                            << n_flushed_last
                            << " and evicted="
                            << n_evicted
                            << ", during the time.)";
                        if (warn_interval > 300) {
                            warn_interval = 600;
                        } else {
                            warn_interval *= 2;


另外 (flushed=200 and evicted=0, during the time.)对应n_flushed_last与n_evicted 变量,而这两个变量由n_flushed_list与n_flushed_lru赋值,函数pc_wait_finished(&n_flushed_lru, &n_flushed_list)调用

Wait until all flush requests are finished.
@param n_flushed_lru    number of pages flushed from the end of the LRU list.
@param n_flushed_list    number of pages flushed from the end of the
@return            true if all flush_list flushing batch were success. */


n_flushed_lru  表示从lru 列表尾部刷新的页数

n_flushed_list  这个是从刷新列表中刷新的页数,也就是脏页数,也就是日志中flushed=200 的值





当然这里调整不一定消失,有些问题是越讨论越清晰在8.0版本已经去掉此提示,见Bug #76661 :https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=76661



The problem is typical of a MySQL instance where you have a high rate of changes to the database. By running your 5GB import, you're creating dirty pages rapidly. As dirty pages are created, the page cleaner thread is responsible for copying dirty pages from memory to disk.

In your case, I assume you don't do 5GB imports all the time. So this is an exceptionally high rate of data load, and it's temporary. You can probably disregard the warnings, because InnoDB will gradually catch up.

Here's a detailed explanation of the internals leading to this warning.

Once per second, the page cleaner scans the buffer pool for dirty pages to flush from the buffer pool to disk. The warning you saw shows that it has lots of dirty pages to flush, and it takes over 4 seconds to flush a batch of them to disk, when it should complete that work in under 1 second. In other words, it's biting off more than it can chew.

You adjusted this by reducing innodb_lru_scan_depth from 1024 to 256. This reduces how far into the buffer pool the page cleaner thread searches for dirty pages during its once-per-second cycle. You're asking it to take smaller bites.

Note that if you have many buffer pool instances, it'll cause flushing to do more work. It bites off innodb_lru_scan_depth amount of work for each buffer pool instance. So you might have inadvertently caused this bottleneck by increasing the number of buffer pools without decreasing the scan depth.

The documentation for innodb_lru_scan_depth says "A setting smaller than the default is generally suitable for most workloads." It sounds like they gave this option a value that's too high by default.

You can place a limit on the IOPS used by background flushing, with the innodb_io_capacity and innodb_io_capacity_max options. The first option is a soft limit on the I/O throughput InnoDB will request. But this limit is flexible; if flushing is falling behind the rate of new dirty page creation, InnoDB will dynamically increase flushing rate beyond this limit. The second option defines a stricter limit on how far InnoDB might increase the flushing rate.

If the rate of flushing can keep up with the average rate of creating new dirty pages, then you'll be okay. But if you consistently create dirty pages faster than they can be flushed, eventually your buffer pool will fill up with dirty pages, until the dirty pages exceeds innodb_max_dirty_page_pct of the buffer pool. At this point, the flushing rate will automatically increase, and may again cause the page_cleaner to send warnings.

Another solution would be to put MySQL on a server with faster disks. You need an I/O system that can handle the throughput demanded by your page flushing.

If you see this warning all the time under average traffic, you might be trying to do too many write queries on this MySQL server. It might be time to scale out, and split the writes over multiple MySQL instances, each with their own disk system.

The InnoDB Buffer Pool 官网也涉及到一些:


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