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4 Free Virtualization Software for Windows 10

Virtualization is a hot topic nowadays, with all the IT folk (network and systems administrators) talking about it. And with good reason, because thanks to this you can test software and entire operating systems in a single Windows window, isolating the process from the rest of your PC.

You can run software that’s designed for older versions of Windows, for example, by running a virtual instance of that Windows version, then installing the software within that, or quickly testing software and functions in multiple operating systems.

But you probably know that already, so we’ll present our favorite free virtualization software for Windows 10.

1. Hyper-V

Note: Hyper-V is only compatible with Professional, Education and Enterprise versions of Windows and Windows Server.

Hyper-V has been around since 2008, replacing Microsoft Virtual PC as the native go-to option for virtualization in Windows 8 onwards.


Along with allowing you to virtualize operating systems, Hyper-V goes quite a bit further, letting you virtualize hardware like hard drives, switches, external media drives and so on. It’s not only robust but has a nice clean interface and is easy to use.

On the downside, it doesn’t virtualize any sound hardware, and (much like many VMs) isn’t great at virtualizing GPUs either. With that said, as a quick-and-easy onboard option in Windows 10, it’s definitely worth a go.

To turn on Hyper-V, enter “features” in the Start menu search, then click “Turn Windows features on or off,” and you should find it in the list of features that appears. Just check the box and click OK. Once it’s activated, you should be able to type “hyper-v” into Start menu Search in the future, and “Hyper-V Quick Create” will appear as an option.

2. VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a virtualization product from Oracle, capable of running on most platforms including Windows, Linux and Mac. VirtualBox is free and open source, which is always a plus, and it lets you resize the guest OS screen dynamically according to the VirtualBox window.


You need to have “scale mode” enabled for this purpose. If you click on the guest OS screen, your mouse and keyboard will be locked inside the guest OS so that you can use the keyboard and mouse in the guest OS without interrupting the host. To release the mouse and keyboard and return to controlling the host, just press Ctrl + left arrow. This hotkey can be customized in VirtualBox options.

VirtualBox also comes with an extension pack which can be installed along with VirtualBox in order to get additional functionality like USB device support, remote desktop connection and PXE (network) booting capability for Intel NIC (LAN) cards.

3. VMLite Workstation

VMLite Workstation is a virtualization product based on VirtualBox (open source). An interesting feature of VMLite is that it lets you run a 64-bit guest OS on a 32-bit host OS. So if you are running 32-bit Windows 7, you will be able to run 64-bit Windows XP with the help of VMLite Workstation.


VMLite supports saving multiple live snapshots of the virtual machine. This is like versioning. If you don’t like the current version of the environment, you can always revert to a previous state using a previous snapshot saved by VMLite Workstation.

VMLite supports most of the virtualization formats used in the industry like VMDK (VMWare), VHD (Microsoft), VDI (Sun) and HDD (Parallel).

4. VMWare Server

VMWare Server is a free virtualization software from VMWare. Although its support has ended, it can still be downloaded and used for free. VMWare Server supports almost all the operating systems as guests or hosts, although a 64-bit guest OS cannot be installed on a 32-bit host like in VMLite. VMWare Server has support for USB devices and also supports bridged, NAT and host-only network interfaces.


VMWare Server comes with an administrative tools package which can be installed from the File menu. The administrative tools make it easier to communicate between the host and the guest operating system without locking the mouse, enabling things like cutting, copying, pasting and dragging-and-dropping between host and guest OSes.

Other Virtualization Solutions

There are plenty of other useful virtualization tools which may not be free but are worth a look. While free solutions can be used for home and SOHO businesses, commercial products can satisfy the needs of larger enterprises. Here are some of the ones we’ve found:

VMWare Workstation Pro is very similar to VMWare Server but is still supported by VMWare.

VMWare Fusion and Parallels Desktop are good paid alternatives to VirtualBox if you are a Mac user.

QEMU is another popular virtualization solution available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Paragon Go Virtual was another good Virtualization software but it seems to have been discontinued. It can be downloaded from Majorgeeks.


This article should serve as a good guide for Virtualization software. If we’ve missed anything or you have suggestions about this topic, please let us know via the comments below.


什么是服务器虚拟化 (Server Virtualization)?







➤ 提高了服务器可用性
➤ 降低了运维成本 
➤ 消除了服务器复杂性
➤   加快了工作负载部署速度



完全虚拟化会使用 hypervisor,这是一种能够直接与物理服务器的磁盘空间和 CPU 进行通信的软件。Hypervisor 监视着物理服务器的资源,保持每台虚拟服务器的独立性,使之察觉不到其他虚拟服务器的存在。它也会在关联的虚拟服务器运行应用时,将物理服务器的资源中继给该虚拟服务器。在使用完全虚拟化方面,最大的限制就是 hypervisor 有其自身的处理需求。这会降低应用速度,影响服务器性能。


与完全虚拟化不同,半虚拟化需要整个网络作为一个有凝聚力的单元来协同工作。在半虚拟化模式下,虚拟服务器上的每个操作系统都能感知到彼此,因此,虽然半虚拟化仍然需要使用 hypervisor,但其不需要使用与完全虚拟化模式同样多的处理能力来管理操作系统。



不同于完全虚拟化和半虚拟化,操作系统级虚拟化不使用 hypervisor。相反,虚拟化功能就是物理服务器操作系统的一部分,负责执行 hypervisor 的所有任务。不过,在这种服务器虚拟化方法中,所有虚拟服务器都必须运行与物理服务器相同的操作系统。


利用服务器虚拟化,可以经济高效地在 IT 基础架构中提供 Web 托管服务以及有效使用现有资源。若没有服务器虚拟化,服务器就只能发挥出自身的一小部分处理能力。这样会导致服务器闲置,因为工作负载只分配到网络中的一部分服务器。一大堆未得到充分利用的服务器挤满数据中心,导致资源和处理能力的浪费。



      SATA的英文全称是:Serial-ATA,与并行ATA相比,是一种新的接口标准,SATA具有比较大的优势,SATA的设计基于串行信号技术,目前已经发展到了SATA 3.0,由于其廉价,大容量的优势,广泛用于个人计算机存储。 

       SAS的英文全称是Serialattached SCSI,是新一代的SCSI技术,和SerialATA(SATA)硬盘相同,都是采用串行技术已获得更高的传输速度。SAS是并行SCSI接口之后开发出的全新接口。SAS接口技术可以向下兼容SATA





      SSD的英文全称是Solid StateDisk,固态驱动器是一种非易失性存储设备,它将数据存储在固态闪存中。固态驱动器不是传统的硬盘驱动器,因为其中不包含移动部件。它们带有一组半导体存储器,通过集成电路组织为磁盘驱动器。SSD 又称为固态磁盘,因为它未使用任何磁性或光学存储介质。 


目前服务器常见的SSD接口有:SASSATA M.2 SATABOSS),PCI-e以及U.2


SATA接口的SSD发展开始时,就已经出现了PCI-E接口的SSD,后者优势可以说非常明显。至于其他SSD,无论使用的是何种接口,都是从SATA 向原生PCI-E走进,而PCI-E接口的SSD直接是一步到位,没有了中间过程。


它的别称是SFF-8639,是由固态硬盘形态工作组织(SSD FormFactor Work Group)推出的接口规范。U.2不但能支持SATA-Express规范,还能兼容SASSATA等规范。因此大家可以把它当  做是四通道版本的SATA-Express接口,它的理论带宽已经达到了32Gbps,与M.2接口毫无差别。

NVMeNon-VolatileMemory express(非易失性存储器的传输规范)
NVMeHostPCIE BUSSDD间的数据通信协议,是专门针对PCIe SSD设计的接口标准。NVMe规范了SSD控制器与操作系统之间的通信连接,提高SSD的性能和可靠特征。NVMe在协议栈中是处于最高层——应用层



我用Chrome自带的工具(右键 -> Inspect elecment)查看,我发现了问题所在。那个页面加载了Google的一段js





 grep -R "googleapis" .








再仔细看,它采用了Content - Simple Image Gallery Pro (by JoomlaWorks)这个插件,然后找到这个插件的设置

把jQuery library handling的配置设置为 Do not load the jQuery library(意思是不要从远程加载google的jQuery,因为这个东西也没有用到)就行了。

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