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15 款 Windows 的数据恢复工具




15. Recuva

15. Recuva

这是能获取到的免费文件恢复工具中最好的一款,没有之一。你可以用该软件恢复硬盘上的、内存卡中的、移动硬盘甚至CD和DVD上的文件。它兼容目前所有的最新版本的 windows,当然也有64位的版本。你可以自己下载一个可安装的版本,后者使用一个免安装版本,两者都由Piriform提供。

14. Puran File Recovery

14. Puran File Recovery

Puran File Recovery和Recuva几乎不相上下。它会扫描 Windows 可以检测到的任何驱动器中已删除的文件。该软件也有许多高级选项可以配置。在测试阶段,该软件又很小的几率能检测出比Recuva更多的文件。所以运行玩了Recuva之后,你应当试试这个软件看看是否能发现你正在找的文件。


13. Glary Undelete

13. Glary Undelete


12. Pandora Recovery

12. Pandora Recovery

Pandora是又一款优的秀恢复软件,它免费且易于使用。它有先进的面扫描选项,可比普通的恢复软件恢复更多文件。只要你确认你要恢复的文件是目前比较常见的格式。他们支持Windows Vista,XP,Server 2003和2000。它在Windows 7下运行完美,不过在Windows 8下还不确定。


11. SoftPerfect File Recovery

11. SoftPerfect File Recovery

你可以使用该软件很容易的找到你已经删除的文件。他会恢复包括硬盘,内存卡等设备中的文件。任何连接到你的电脑并且可以保存数据的设备都会被检查以便恢复文件。它可以完美的运行在Windows 8,Windows 7,Vista,Xp,Server 2008以及2003上,甚至还支持Windows 95。该软件还有64位的版本。

10. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard



9. Wise Data Recovery

9. Wise Data Recovery


8. Restoration

使用restoration非常简单。它一点都不复杂,并且很容易理解和使用。它可以恢复你硬盘中的文件,内存卡中的文件,USB驱动器中的文件以及其他可移动设备的文件。它支持Windows Vista,XP,2000 等。它在Windows 7下也同样可以正常工作。

7. FreeUndelete

7. FreeUndelete

这个软件的名字已经说明了一切。他是免费的,并且可以恢复你误删的文件。下拉的文件夹可以让你更容易地进行导航。该软件会扫描所有连接到你电脑上的驱动器。支持的系统包括Windows 7,XP,以及Vista 等。

6. ADRC Data Recovery Tools

Created with The GIMP


5. CD Recovery Toolbox

5. CD Recovery Toolbox

据这个工具的发行者声称,CD Recovery Toolbox可以从划伤或破损的CD中恢复数据。也包括蓝光,DVD和高清DVD。当然,这个程序不能扫描硬盘和其他移动存储设备。它专门用于CD和光学媒体。


4. UndeleteMyFiles Pro

4. UndeleteMyFiles Pro

这个应用有两个不同却很有用的视图。一个是树视图另一个是详细视图。它们都可以帮助你简化浏览。它在数据恢复时是相当快速且高效的。它支持Window 8 Pro所以它以前的版本不是问题。

3. TOKIWA DataRecovery

3. TOKIWA DataRecovery

这个软件最大的好处是易用和高效。它兼容从Window 95到Windows 7。它在Window 8上也正确地通过了测试。它只是个412 kb的程序。


2. PC Inspector File Recovery

这款软件可以从包含硬盘,外置驱动器和内存卡在内的常用硬件中恢复文件。它甚至在Windows 8上也能完美运行,且它的功能也是相当快的。使用它你可以很轻松地恢复你的文件。

1. Orion File Recovery Software

Orion File Recovery Software



XP系统还不过时 教你完美征服3TB硬盘

XP系统还不过时 教你完美征服3TB硬盘


随着高清1080p片源的普及,越来越多的人开始没日没夜的7x24小时不间断的挂BT PT下载高清视频了。原本以为都要死掉的传统机械硬盘行业,奇迹般的迎来了第二春。机械硬盘存储已经成为了新的主流存储工具,从而彻底淘汰了光盘这种落后的存储方式。正慢慢的成为2011年新的主流存储媒介!!!!









关于 GPT 和 MBR、EFI 和 BIOS的讨论

WinXP 32位版使用3TB硬盘的问题貌似已经解决了?

Windows 和 GPT 常见问题解答Version 1.1 这是微软官方的说明06年就已经是v1.1版本了,可想而知这东西历史有多悠久了~~~~很老的技术啦






1、安装Paragon Software的GPT Loader软件,这是一个专为Windows XP 32位开发的驱动,安装之后,就可以让你的XP系统能够以GPT方式格式化3TB硬盘并当成数据盘。但此软件目前还处于测试和预发布阶段。官方链接:http://www.paragon-software.com/support/early-adopter/

2、用Windows server 2003 SP2的disk.sys替换XP下的同名文件,即可让XP识别并使用GPT分区。http://bbs.wuyou.com/viewthread.php?tid=183806


4、使用主板厂家提供的Disk Unlocker软件,例如华硕、技嘉主板已提供,也可以把2T以上空间格式化并虚拟成另外一个硬盘。




让XP 32位系统支持GPT分区硬盘

我们知道32位的2003 sp2系统识别gpt分区,也能正常读取和写入。
但是xp为什么不行呢? 我把优盘搞成gpt类型的分区,结果xp果然不认。
但是我启动了ram2003后发现2003 sp2非常轻松的识别了我的优盘,拷贝数据,一切正常。
既然这样,我就知道怎么让xp和2003一样支持gpt分区的硬盘了。不需要用到gpt loader这个驱动。
好了 干活。
把2003 sp2系统的disk.sys文件拷贝出来
xp还有个地方windows\Driver Cache\大家可以把这里清空,或者把drivers.cab文件改名。把2003的disk.sys拷贝到dllcache和driver cache里面
删除xp的system32\drivers里面的disk.sys 好了 现在系统就能识别gpt的硬盘或优盘了。

提供 disk.sys.gz (21.8 KB)disk.sys下载版本号是5.2.3790.3959

这是无忧启动论坛上面的,对于winxp移植win2003 GPT分区支持的一些说明。我自己实际操作了一下,现在就为大家谈谈具体的操作吧


但是winxp的disk.sys文件是系统核心文件,是受到系统严格保护的,在一个标准的winxp sp3下面,一共存在有3份。分别存放在windows\Driver Cache\sp3.cab这个压缩包里 system32\dllcache这个隐藏的系统压缩核心文件备份文件夹 system32\drivers 这个目录下的disk.sys才是真正工作的那个文件。


所以我们替换的正确过程是,先替换sp3.cab中的disk.sys 然后替换system32\dllcache目录下的disk.sys 最后替换那个实际工作的system32\drivers目录中的disk,sys









相关文章:Windows 7新补丁更好支持2TB以上大硬盘







其实这个MSR就是所谓的微软保留分区,用来磁盘加速的,一定放在磁盘头部,其实作为数据盘这根本就是无意义的,而且这部分MSR分区还会由于过度频繁读写特别容易有坏道,所以强烈不建议使用win7 vista自带的分区工具来创建GPT分许





我们可以用文件夹来分类,实现与分区类似的效果~~~~这里废话多了。说一下选项吧,esp是vista系统boot的时候会用到的vista 启动文件专用保护分区,我们不装vista自然也就不要选咯,msr之前说过了。还有一个对齐分区,西部数据的用户请务必选择对齐,否则EASR的绿盘在winxp下性能下降严重。建议能不买西部数据的高级格式化硬盘就不要买!!!!其他分区数量啦卷标啦,就请你自己随意吧!!!!



其实许多限制,微软早就已经为我们想到了解决方案,尤其是在服务器领域,比如说32位的win2000数据库中心版,就可以对4g以上的内存予以支持,在比如说和winxp同时代的win2003可以支持GPT分区,而之后的winxp sp3却不支持,这些都是微软故意为了划分产品档次而做出的限制,其实如果你真的有心,稍微动动手脚,许多东西都会得到支持,为我们的生活提供许多便利~~~~~




If you want to put new software in your computer, you need to obtain an installer either by purchasing online or locally, or by downloading free ones from the Internet. With installers, there are two common files that you need to open in order to start the installation; one that has an MSI extension and one with an EXE extension. The main difference between the two extensions is their purpose. EXE is used mainly to indicate that the file is an executable one. In comparison, MSI indicates that the file is a Windows installer.

While an MSI is used only with installers, this is not the case with EXE. Any application requires having at least one EXE file as it is needed to start the processes of the application. Even programs installed with either an EXE or an MSI will have one or more EXE files.

One of the advantages of using MSI when creating your installation package is the availability of a standard GUI that is customizable to some degree but removes the complexity of creating your own interface. But if you use an EXE file, you have the full freedom on how the installer interacts with the user. This is clearly seen in most modern games which use EXE as their installers. They often have very fancy and interactive interfaces that entertain the user while waiting for the installation to finish.

Another advantage of MSI is its ability to do installation or demand. With this type of installation, only the links and other minor stuff are actually put on the computer. The actual installation is done when the user attempts to run the program for the first time; at which point, the MSI opens the necessary files and finishes the installation process. EXE files cannot do this.

Choosing between EXE and MSI when creating a software installer is based purely on the program you have and the amount of effort you want to put into the installer. EXE provides you with utmost control at the expense of added work in creating the installer. MSI does the complete opposite, simplifying the task by conforming to preset standards.


1.An EXE is an executable file while an MSI is an installation package.
2.MSI is exclusive to installers while EXE is not.
3.An MSI provides a standard GUI while an EXE provides GUI flexibility.
4.An MSI can do installation on demand while an EXE can’t.

How to add an XP Mode Virtual Machine to Windows 10 (or 8) using Hyper-V

Support for Windows XP has ended, and, although unofficial service packs exist, a better and safer idea would be to run XP as a virtual machine under your current OS if you still need to do some testing under XP.

If you have an XP Setup ISO or an XP installation disc, creating a virtual machine running XP is much easier, but if you don't, you can follow the tutorial below to install XP Mode under Windows 10. It works for Windows 8/8.1 Pro as well.


a) The resulting virtual machine will run XP non-activated, without a license key, and you can use it for 30 days before it locks down. After the 30 days run out, you can re-create the virtual machine once again and use it for another 30 days, and so on. This is definitely not convenient for continuous use but will due just fine for testing old software or malware, for example. Alternatively, if you have an old XP license lying around, you can use it to register this installation.

b) If your Windows 8/8.1 or 10 does not include Hyper-V (test that by doing step 4 below - the Home editions for instance don't include Hyper-V), then you won't be able to do this tutorial. You can still create an XP virtual machine using VMWare Player or VirtualBox, by following this tutorial: "How to test Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP for Free, Legally".

XP Mode was introduced for Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate) users as a way to run software designed for XP in Windows 7. For Windows 7 users, installing the XP Mode is easy: download XP mode, run the installer, done. Since Wiindows 8 or 10 does not support XP Mode, we'll need to extract the virtual hard drive included in XP Mode and run it as a virtual machine. Here's what you'll need to do:

  1. Download XP Mode
  2. Install 7-zip
  3. Extract VirtualXPVHD from the XP Mode file
  4. Enable Hyper-V
  5. Create a Virtual Machine running VirtualXPVHD
  6. Run the virtual machine
  7. Rejoice
  8. Or not, and make the internet connection work on the XP VM

1. Download the XP Mode from Microsoft

XP Mode is available for download directly from Microsoft: Download Here. Clicking the red download button on that page will give you the choice in the image below.

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The difference between WindowsXPMode_en-us.exe and WindowsXPMode_N_en-us.exe is that the version with N in it does not contain Windows Media Player. Choose the one you want, click Next and continue with the download.

Alternatively, you can download WindowsXPMode_N_en-us.exe from Developer Link 3 on this page on Download3k.

2. Install 7-zip

Note: If you are unable to do step 2 and 3 below, using 7-zip, then you can try a different compression utility, such as WinRar, WinZip, Bandizip (one of our favorites here at Download3k), etc. This problem has been pointed out a few times in the comments section.

Download 7-zip  and install it. It's important to install the 32-bit (also called x86) version of 7-zip for a 32-bit operating system and the 64-bit (also called x64) version for a 64-bit OS, since the x64 version won't work on x86 and the x86 version won't run with context menu on x64 machines. We'll need context menu for 7-zip to make extracting easier.

Skip to Step 3 if you know what type of system you're in.

If you are not sure if you have a x86 or x64 operating system installed, you can find this out in several ways. Here are 2:

a) Press Win+X (this opens the Power User Menu) and select System. Look under System > System type for the OS type you have installed.


b) Click Start (or press the Win key) and type PC Info. Look under System type and find out the type of OS you're running.

Now that you know what type of OS you have installed, download and install the corresponding version of 7-zip.

3. Use 7-zip to extract its contents

a) Right-click the file downloaded at Step 1 above and select 7-zip > Extract Here or Extract to "WindowsXPMode_en-us" (or the filename you downloaded)

4 full How to add an XP Mode Virtual Machine to Windows 10 or 8 using HyperV

b) After extraction. browse to Sources and notice the xpm file. Right click on xpm and choose 7-zip > Open archive.

5 full How to add an XP Mode Virtual Machine to Windows 10 or 8 using HyperV

Quick tip: If you don't see the Sources folder at this time, go back one step and from the same 7-zip right-click context menu, choose open archive as CAB, instead of extracting to "WindowsXPMode_en-us", then pick up from there.

Notice the VirtualXPVHD file.

6 full How to add an XP Mode Virtual Machine to Windows 10 or 8 using HyperV

c) Extract it to a location of your choice. Rename it to VirtualXPVHD.vhd.

d) Clean up. You can go ahead and delete the file downloaded in Step 1 and all the other files extracted from it, except for VirtualXPVHD.vhd.

In order to use the .vhd image in a virtual machine, you can either use VirtualBox or the built-in Windows Virtualization called Hyper-V. Since VirtualBox is currently experiencing some bugs under Windows 10, we'll cover the Hyper-V method below.

4. Activate Hyper-V on your Windows 10

By default, Windows 10, just as Windows 8 did, comes with a few features disabled, including the Hyper-V technology.

a) In order to enable Hyper-V, you need to go to Win+X (opens the power user menu) > Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off, under Programs and Features.

2 full How to add an XP Mode Virtual Machine to Windows 10 or 8 using HyperV

Alternatively, you can open the Run command (Win+R) or do a search (Win+S) and enter optionalfeatures, then hit Enter.

b) This will open a new window where you must tick the box near Hyper-V, as shown in the image below, then click OK.

Hyper-V under optional Windows features

You will be prompted to restart. Do so. Upon re-entering Windows, Hyper-V will be enabled. The image above shows the Hyper-V options under Windows 8.1 - it looks similar in Windows 10.

If some of your Hyper-V options are grayed out, you should restart, enter BIOS and enable virtualization there first. BIOS menus are different from manufacturer to manufacturer, so you should search for settings regarding Virtualization, Data Execution Prevention (DEP), and SLAT. Enable them and restart.

If you don't see Hyper-V Platform or it appears grayed out in the 'Windows Features' window above, then you won't be able to create a virtual machine using Hyper-V.

Tip: check Hyper-V hardware compatibility by opening up PowerShell or Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and entering systeminfo.exe. It should list, under Hyper-V Requirements:

VM Monitor Mode Extensions: Yes
Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes
Second Level Address Translation: Yes
Data Execution Prevention Available: Yes

5. Create a virtual machine for XP Mode in Hyper-V Manager

a) Open Hyper-V Manager by clicking Start (or press the Win key) and type Hyper-V Manager, then Enter.

Alternatively, you can open Start or Run (Win+R) and enter Virtmgmt.msc, then Enter.

b) Make sure your local virtualization server is selected.

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If the left pane shows no Hyper-V servers (your local host computer) to connect to, then select the "Hyper-V Manager" in the left pane, click "Connect to server" on the right pane, select "Local computer" in the dialog that follows and click "OK".

c) Optional: if you need an internet connection for your virtual machine, you need to setup a virtual switch by going to Action > Virtual Switch Manager, in the Hyper-V Manager window.

Here you can create an External Virtual Switch, linked to your physical network card. Make sure the box Allow management operating system to share this network adapter is checked.

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This default type of network connection does not work for XP and Vista so, if at the end of the tutorial you still don't have an internet connection for your XP VM, see the troubleshooting part.

d) Click Action > New > Virtual Machine. This will open an wizard.

e) Click Next and, in the next window, specify a name for your server.

f) In the next window, select Generation 1. (Generation 2 is only used for Windows 8 64-bit or newer and Windows Server 2012 or newer guest operating systems)

g) Specify an amount of RAM in the next window. 512 MB or 1024 MB should do it.

h) In the next window you can configure networking. If you need to use internet, you must redo the procedure from step a) and don't skip step c). If you don't need internet for your XP VM, press Next.

i) Select Use an existing virtual hard disk and browse for the VirtualXPVHD.vhd file from Step 3, as shown below. The Location path will vary in your case.

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j) Click Next for Summary, then Finish.

Your XP Virtual Machine is now created.

6. Run the virtual machine

You need to connect to your newly created XP virtual machine and start it. There are several ways to do that.

a) One way is to click Connect under your XP VM, in the right Actions column, as shown below.

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b) In the new window that opens, click the green Start button. See the image below for clarification.

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c) The first time you start the VM, it will do the last steps of a regular XP installation. It won't go through the full XP installation, but you'll still need to agree to Terms, pick a computer name, set time and date, language and, after a final reboot, it will prompt you to configure updates.

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That's it. If everything went ok, you should now have a working XP Virtual Machine inside your Windows 10 (or 8).

Alternatively, you can read this guide "How to test Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP for Free, Legally" and see if it suits your needs better.

Later edit to cover network connectivity troubleshooting:

Make the Internet work on the XP Virtual Machine

If the internet connection is not working on your newly created XP Virtual Machine, here's what you can try:

  1. Turn off the XP Virtual Machine.
  2. Open its settings window. You can do this in several ways:
    - a) From the Hyper-V Manager, select the XP Virtual Machine and, in the right hand pane, click Settings.

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    - b) If the XP VM window is active, you can click File > Settings.

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  3. In the Settings window, simply Add Hardware > Legacy Network Adapter. The Add Hardware option is the first one in the Settings window.

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  4. Make sure the Legacy Network Adapter is set to use the previously created Virtual Switch (External).

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  5. Click Apply/OK and start the XP VM again.

It should result in a quick driver install in the VM and, afterwards, the network should work inside the VM.

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