[SOLVED] MailEnable management Console MEAIPO.DLL error
After Installing Mail Enable,
When open mail enable management consle clicking postofficces or connecters we are having error unable to load dll MEAIPO.DLL unable to make settings or create mailboxes.
I used mailEnable SystemConfigurationUtility option 4 ReRegister MMC Companents stilhaving the same problem.
When open mail enable management consle clicking postofficces or connecters we are having error unable to load dll MEAIPO.DLL unable to make settings or create mailboxes.
I used mailEnable SystemConfigurationUtility option 4 ReRegister MMC Companents stilhaving the same problem.
it is windows2008 server x64
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'MEAIPO.DLL': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at MailEnable.Administration.Postoffice.SetCurrentHost(String& CurrentHost)
at MailEnable.Administration.Postoffice.SetHost()
at MailEnable.Administration.Console.PostOfficesNode.PopulateImplementation()
at MailEnable.Administration.Postoffice.SetCurrentHost(String& CurrentHost)
at MailEnable.Administration.Postoffice.SetHost()
at MailEnable.Administration.Console.PostOfficesNode.PopulateImplementation()
i have the same problem on windows server 2008 r2.
I tried 3 times to install version 8 but still the same problem.
I tried also to install version 7.58 and again I have the same problem.
i can't create any Post Offices and therefore it is useless.
when I click on the "+" side Servers, I get this error message 5 times :
System.DllNotFoundException: Impossible de charger la DLL 'MEAISO.DLL': Le module spécifié est introuvable. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x8007007E)
à MailEnable.Administration.Service.SetCurrentHost(String& CurrentHost)
à MailEnable.Administration.Service.set_Host(String value)
à MailEnable.Administration.Console.ServiceNode..ctor(String ServiceDescription, String ServiceIdentifier, Boolean hideExpandIcon)
i found MEAISO.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin\ and IME_ADMIN user have read and execute rights.
i have run 1., 2., 3., 4. and 12. utilities from system configuration utility in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin\MEInstaller.exe as administrator but the problem persists.
Please, does anyone have a solution?
I tried 3 times to install version 8 but still the same problem.
I tried also to install version 7.58 and again I have the same problem.
i can't create any Post Offices and therefore it is useless.
when I click on the "+" side Servers, I get this error message 5 times :
System.DllNotFoundException: Impossible de charger la DLL 'MEAISO.DLL': Le module spécifié est introuvable. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x8007007E)
à MailEnable.Administration.Service.SetCurrentHost(String& CurrentHost)
à MailEnable.Administration.Service.set_Host(String value)
à MailEnable.Administration.Console.ServiceNode..ctor(String ServiceDescription, String ServiceIdentifier, Boolean hideExpandIcon)
i found MEAISO.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin\ and IME_ADMIN user have read and execute rights.
i have run 1., 2., 3., 4. and 12. utilities from system configuration utility in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin\MEInstaller.exe as administrator but the problem persists.
Please, does anyone have a solution?
I finally solved the problem and installed 8.04 version on Windows 2008 R2 64bit. 
For that you need to manually update the environment variable "path"
computer properties > advanced system settings > environment variables > select "path" in system variables > edit
and add this: C:\PROGRA~2\MAILEN~1\bin64;C:\PROGRA~2\MAILEN~1\BIN; (if your mailenable is installed at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable")
or your specific path.
thanks MailEnable for this wonderful product

For that you need to manually update the environment variable "path"
computer properties > advanced system settings > environment variables > select "path" in system variables > edit
and add this: C:\PROGRA~2\MAILEN~1\bin64;C:\PROGRA~2\MAILEN~1\BIN; (if your mailenable is installed at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable")
or your specific path.
thanks MailEnable for this wonderful product
Finally, it is preferable to use full path as
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\bin64
otherwise the diagnostics utility will say that the path to the bin folder is not defined.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\bin64
otherwise the diagnostics utility will say that the path to the bin folder is not defined.
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- Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:38 am
Make sure you do not have a space after
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\bin64
I cut and pasted the value and it included a space in the path after bin64.
It took me two hours to figure out this and why this solution was not working for me.
Now I have removed the space after the path and it works.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\bin64
I cut and pasted the value and it included a space in the path after bin64.
It took me two hours to figure out this and why this solution was not working for me.
Now I have removed the space after the path and it works.
Same problem, got the error System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'MEAIPO.DLL': when expanding the mailenable console.
Reported it to Mailenable, rebooted the machine, but no help.
Then I read on this forum that you need to add the mail enable bin path to the PATH environment variable manually. - and it worked.

It's odd that this has such a simple fix, and Mailenable haven't fixed it yet. I think my PATH variable was particularly long > 2K, so it might have effected things
Reported it to Mailenable, rebooted the machine, but no help.
Then I read on this forum that you need to add the mail enable bin path to the PATH environment variable manually. - and it worked.
It's odd that this has such a simple fix, and Mailenable haven't fixed it yet. I think my PATH variable was particularly long > 2K, so it might have effected things
Thank you for the explaination