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【环球时报-环球网报道 记者 张朋辉】据美国白宫消息,当地时间8日,美国总统唐纳德·J·特朗普致信中国国家主席习近平,感谢习主席祝贺特朗普总统就任,并祝愿中国人民元宵节快乐,鸡年兴旺。特朗普总统声明,他期待同习主席共同推动惠及两国的建设性中美关系。

About Us

Since 1996, our company has been focusing on domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, website construction, e-commerce and other Internet services, and constantly practicing the concept of "providing enterprise-level solutions and providing personalized service support". As a Dell Authorized Solution Provider, we also provide hardware product solutions associated with the company's services.

Contact Us

Address: No. 2, Jingwu Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone: 0086-371-63520088 


Website: 800188.com

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.