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How can I backup my Outlook signatures?


Q:I have a large number of Outlook 2007 Signatures that I use for pre stored text (saves time answering emails) but now I want to move PC, where are the signatures stored and can I back them up?


A:You'll find them here:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

Importing and Exporting Mail and User Accounts in Outlook 2007

Outlook 2007 did away with the export account information that was present in earlier editions. So, if a user with one account moves machines, it’s often faster to just recreate the account on the new machine. However, if a user has 8 accounts (like one did today) it’s time to find a better way.

That better way is hidden the registry.

On The Old Machine

Outlook 2007 is nice enough to put all of its account info for each profile under one key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\

So, first off, close Outlook if it’s running.

To export your Outlook account information, we just need to export that magic key.

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  2. Select the key that you want to save as a file.
  3. On the File menu, click Export.
  4. In the Export Registry File dialog box, in Save in, click the drive, folder, or network computer and folder where you want to save the hive.
  5. In File name, enter a name for the key. (outlook_profile.reg would work great.)
  6. In Save as type, make sure it’s set as Registration Files (*.reg)
  7. Click Save.

Caveats: Every profile on your system under your logon will be exported.

To move your old mail, you’ll need to copy your PST file to the new machine.

  1. Click Start, Run
  2. Type %userprofile%\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook
  3. Click OK
  4. In that folder there will be some *.pst files. Copy (don’t move!) them to a removable drive or a network share. The one you’re most likely concerned with is outlook.pst

On The New Machine

First, we need to import the profile information.

  1. Double-click the file (outlook_profiles.reg) you exported on the old machine. That will import the new information into the registry. (Simple!)

Next, we need to get your data file back over.

  1. Click Start, Run
  2. Type %userprofile%\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook
  3. Click OK
  4. Copy (don’t move!) the *.pst files you found on the old machine. The one you’re most likely concerned with is outlook.pst

Lastly, we need to set Outlook to use the profile from the old machine.

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Open the Mail applet.
  3. Click on the Show Profiles button.
  4. Choose the profile name that matches the one you used to use from the “Always use this profile” dropdown.
  5. Click OK.

Now, when you open Outlook, you should have your old mail and the mail accounts all set up and ready to go.


Outlook on the new machine mightwill ask you for passwords the first time it does a send/receive on all non-Exchange accounts.

If you know the passwords, awesome. If not, you’ll need to find them out, and we go back to the old machine to do so.

What we need to do is peer behind the dots that Microsoft uses in their password boxes. To do so, we need a piece of freeware that will do that for us.

Passware offers a utility, Asterisk Key, which will do the job.

  1. Download, install and run the tool on the old machine using this link.
  2. Open Notepad.
  3. Open Outlook 2007.
  4. Click Tools, Account Settings.
  5. Double-click the account you don’t know the password to.
  6. Go into Asterisk Key and click the RECOVER icon on the toolbar.
  7. The tool will reveal your password for that account. Click the COPY LINK next to the revealed password.
  8. PASTE the password into your notepad document.
  9. Repeat Steps 5-8 as necessary.
  10. Save the Notepad document so you can move it to the new machine.
  11. At the new machine, paste the passwords from the Notepad document into Outlook.

That oughta do it.
































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微软Surface产品人气上升 Hub巨型平板创最好销售表现

微软Surface产品人气上升 Hub巨型平板创最好销售表现



虽然大多数人在提到微软Surface产品时想到的都是平板电脑、笔记本乃至如今的台式机,但就这个系列而言,Surface Hub巨型平板的表现其实也不差。

微软并未公布具体的销量数据,但该公司表示55英寸和85英寸Surface Hub创下了最好的销售表现。在这些设备上市以来的9个月时间里,微软已经面向“超过2000名”客户出货,平均每名客户的交易规模为50台。其中,规模最大的订单是面向“一家大型汽车制造商”出售了1500台Surface Hub。

该公司称,其客户因购买Surface Hub而取得的投资回报率约为138%(数据来自于市场调研公司Forrester在2月份公布的一份研究报告);而根据Forrester在一份研究报告中做出的估测,Surface Hub可令每次会议耗费的时间节省15到23分钟。

Surface Hub的价格很高,但这一点不难理解——这是一种一体化通信和“头脑风暴”设备,可令使用者省去架设投影仪、白板和联机笔记本的环节。正因如此,谷歌(微博)也正着手从事这项业务。

为了帮助加强这种产品的增长动能,微软正在提高Surface Hub产量,并通过零售伙伴推出了一项试用购买计划,允许潜在客户在试用30天后才做出是否购买的决定。这项计划最先面向美国和欧洲市场推出,随后则将登陆亚洲市场。

与此同时,微软将为Surface Hub引入一些有用的新特性。举例来说,Word、Excel和PowerPoint将可获得所谓的“inking support”(即相同级别的署名支持),此外用户还将可同时使用触摸和铁笔两种输入方式,从而使其可以进行用虚拟尺子画一条直线等操作(其他Surface设备已支持这种功能)。

用户现在还可直接通过OneDrive云盘存储和下载文件,这就使得用户可以轻松分享“头脑风暴”会议并存储相关信息。最后,微软还将为Surface Hub提供某些第三方配件支持。




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